FLOW with Elyse CB Yoga Movement Embodied Wellness https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxlu1UWkRP4XrSj3ihaQAWg/ ok y'all i guess I started a youtube channel in 2012 but only just now loaded 2 videos. They are recorded ZOOM classes over the past few weeks, i've got more to load and totally in progress as I figure out technology omg. I am sure you all are doing your best too during these challenging times so why not breath, move and meditate together - uploading soon more yoga, pilates, barre, meditation and embodied wellness classes. Please subscribe below and if you find any value in these videos please consider making a contribution <3
20-50 ₪ ( 5-15 $ USD) —— > paypal.me/flowjerusalem PepperPay, Bit or PayBox WhatsApp : 052 530 8203 (israel +972) ❤️ thank you xox